Guide Trips & Rates
Steelhead (October - May)
Steelhead migrate from Lake Michigan into the rivers to feed and spawn fall through spring. Lake Michigan produces the highest quality steelhead of the Great Lakes, making them fantastic trophy fish for anglers to target. An average steelhead weighing in at 8-10lbs with a chance of hooking one upwards of 15lbs. Gear used for steelhead is either conventional spinning rods or fly fishing. Rods, reels, and tackle will be provided by the guide.
Primary Rivers: Lake Michigan tributaries between Grand Rapids and Traverse City
2024 Rates: (Group trips up to 8 people available!)
Full Day Float Trip (8-10 hours) 1 or 2 person : $495 - Includes lunch
Half Day Float Trip (4 hours) 1 or 2 person: $375
Brown Trout (April - November)
Often thought of as being in the mountains of Montana, you might be surprised by the trout found in Michigan rivers. Trout are a species you can target year round here in Michigan as our most popular trout sections are always open to fishing. Whether you want to throw streamers for brown trout, fish the famous Hex hatch for trophy brown trout, or chase aggressive brook trout with dry flies, we can do it all. Trout trips will primarily be from April to November, with peak Mayfly hatches being in May, June, and July. Rods, reels, and tackle will be provided by the guide and will primarily be fly fishing, but spinning gear is an option.
Primary Rivers: Au Sable, Upper Manistee, and Boardman River
King and Coho Salmon (August - December)
Starting in early August and ending in November, salmon migrate up the rivers to spawn. Their size and strength make them a great trophy fish for all anglers to target. An average fish being 10-20lbs with the chance at a fish 30lbs+. Rods, reels, and tackle will be provided by the guide.
2024 Rates: (Group trips up to 8 people available!)
Full Day Float Trip (8-10 hours) 1 or 2 person : $495 - Includes lunch
Half Day Float Trip (4 hours) 1 or 2 person: $375
Fly Fishing Instructional’s
If you are new to the world of fly fishing and are looking to get a jumpstart on your skillset, a instructional can be a huge help. I know this since I had an instructional when I was 14 and it was the most beneficial experience a beginning angler can have. We’ll cover all things fly fishing 101 including casting, rigging/knot tying, reading water, fly choice and potentially catch a fish in the process! All gear will be provided.
Instructional Rates: $100/hour